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Active living

Healthy Lifestyle for Over 50s

Maintaining your health and vitality after the age of 50 is both a challenge and an opportunity to embrace a healthier lifestyle. In this article, you will find out how to stay healthy over the age of 50, and we will offer insights into nurturing your body and mind for a vibrant and fulfilling life. From embracing a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity to fostering social connections and gaining better sleep, we'll explore the key opportunities to maintain your health and wellbeing. 

Why Stay Healthy Over 50

If you developed less-than-ideal habits in the earlier stages of your life, it’s not too late to make changes now. Engaging in physical exercise and adopting a more nutritious diet can ensure your body's systems function at their best and this significantly decreases the risk of developing new health complications. As we age, our bodies naturally go through changes and can show signs of wear and tear, but achieving fitness at 50 and beyond is entirely possible.

Healthy Lifestyle for Over 50s

1. Diet:

Making changes to your diet is one of the stepping stones to a healthy life. A balanced diet rich in various whole foods provides most of the vitamins your body needs, although maintaining such balance can be challenging. 

Vitamins are essential micronutrients that play a crucial role in maintaining our overall health. 

Nutrients such as vitamins B2, B6, and B12 play an important role in maintaining good health and help convert nutrients into energy, so can prevent fatigue, allowing you to feel energised and capable. Consuming better sources of protein at this stage of life will aid in the preservation and growth of muscle mass. 

Furthermore, the significance of vitamin D and calcium cannot be overstated for their roles in bone health, while vitamin C aids in the formation of collagen, vital for cartilage and, by extension, joint functionality.

To support digestive health and further promote bodily functions, the World Health Organization[1] recommends a daily fibre intake for adults of at least 25g, equivalent to a generous portion of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts and seeds.

Staying hydrated is very important, as water plays a critical role in nearly every bodily function, from physical to cognitive performance.

2. Consuming healthy fats

Re-evaluating your fat intake is essential. While it’s well-known that saturated fats may adversely affect heart health and cognitive functions, incorporating healthy fats found in fatty fish, flaxseed, and nuts into your diet can offer considerable benefits for both your heart and brain health.

Learn about bladder cleansing foods to improve your bladder and bowels

3. Smarter food choices

Making better food choices becomes even more critical as we age. With metabolism slowing down, selecting nutrient-dense food is essential to gain the nutrients we need to keep our body healthy. Incorporate a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables, dark leafy greens, and low-fat dairy products to ensure a sufficient intake of calcium for bone strength. 

Furthermore, use fortified foods to bolster your vitamin D and B12 intake, and consciously reduce the consumption of empty calories from sugary beverages and snacks.

4. Reducing sodium

Moreover, managing sodium intake is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels, which tend to increase with age. Reducing salt consumption, particularly from processed and packaged foods, can help control blood pressure and contribute to overall heart health. 

Find out about the worst foods that irritate the bladder and bowels.

5. Tracking your health

Embracing technology and mindful practices can significantly enhance your wellness journey. Incorporating a wearable fitness tracker or utilising smartphone apps to log your dietary intake offers a dynamic approach to monitoring your health. These tools not only provide insights into your physical activity and nutritional habits but also motivate you to set and achieve realistic health goals.

6. Protect your joints

Protecting your joints becomes increasingly important as you age. Contrary to outdated beliefs, activities like running can actually fortify your knees by strengthening the surrounding muscles, thereby reducing the risk of arthritis. It is important to build the level of exercise up gradually to give the muscles time to build up and strengthen. A gradual progression and listening to your body will allow you to achieve great results while avoiding injury. 

For those with existing joint issues, performing low-impact exercises such as walking or cycling can offer substantial benefits without exacerbating pain, helping you stay fit at 50 and beyond.

For more information about the correlation between training and potential incontinence, read our guide on weightlifting and bladder leakage.

7. Staying in balance

Maintaining balance is crucial to preventing falls, which can lead to severe injuries. Integrating simple balance exercises into your daily routine, like standing on one foot or practising tai chi, can significantly improve your stability. Tai chi is known for its gentle, flowing movements and has been shown to halve the risk of falls among older adults when practised regularly. You can also try yoga which has many benefits, especially for maintaining control of the pelvic floor muscles.

8. Regaining strength

Building muscle strength is as vital as aerobic exercise. Strong muscles can protect your joints and bones, reducing the risk of injuries. Engaging in regular strength training can rejuvenate muscles and improve tone. It can also help to maintain balance, preserve bone density, and contribute to overall vitality and independence as we age. 

9. Rediscovering sex

As we grow older, our perspective on sex often matures, bringing newfound confidence and enjoyment. The freedom from earlier life's constraints, coupled with years of experience, can enrich your intimate relationships, showcasing the benefits of ageing.

10. Refilling an empty home

If you find yourself in an empty nest, consider having pets as company. Pets, especially dogs, not only offer emotional support but also encourage more physical activity, which is beneficial for heart health and maintaining a routine. Engaging with pets has been linked to lower cholesterol levels and a reduced risk of heart disease, making them wonderful allies along your journey to developing a healthy lifestyle.

11. Reducing risk of Alzheimer's

Engaging in regular exercise can reduce the risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. Activities such as walking, cycling, or gardening for just 30 minutes a day, five times a week, can significantly improve blood flow to the brain and encourage the growth of new cells. This routine can help you stay fit over 50, ensuring your mental faculties remain as vigorous as your physical health.

12. Learning new skills

Taking part in new learning activities can aid in maintaining your health. Venturing into unfamiliar territories, whether through travel, new friendships, or acquiring new skills like playing a musical instrument or learning a language, can invigorate your mental health and broaden your horizons for joy and fulfilment. Plus, it is a lot easier to learn in the 21st century as there are a vast range of online learning resources to maintain lifelong learning.

13. Socialising

Social interactions also play a crucial role in keeping your mind active and reducing the likelihood of memory issues. Spending quality time with friends, family, or engaging in volunteer work not only enriches your social life but has been linked to better cognitive function and a decreased risk of heart disease. The benefits of a socially active lifestyle underscore the importance of how to stay healthy and fit at any age.

14. Skin care

Taking care of your skin is another aspect of healthy ageing. The regular use of sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher can protect your skin from the ageing effects of the sun, helping to fend off wrinkles and maintain a youthful appearance. It's a simple yet effective way to maintain health and preserve your skin's resilience against the elements.

If you are struggling with incontinence, we strongly recommend using our MoliCare skin care products alongside our continence products to maintain better wellbeing.

15. Better sleep

Adequate sleep is vital for our overall well-being, especially as we age. If you find yourself struggling with sleep, it's important to address any underlying issues, such as stress or medical conditions. Ensuring you get at least eight hours of quality sleep each night can improve your energy levels and mood, making it easier to stay fit and healthy.

16. Embracing ageing

There can be positive aspects to ageing; many people report increased satisfaction and contentment and a greater appreciation for life's joys and achievements. Looking forward to the future with optimism and embracing the opportunity to stay healthy and fit can make the later years some of the most fulfilling of your life.

Be Healthier And Fit Over 50

In summary, life after 50 doesn’t need to be stressful and daunting; in fact, you could embrace new opportunities at this stage in your life. By incorporating regular physical activity, nurturing social connections, making smart dietary choices, and maintaining mental health, you can significantly improve your quality of life.

Staying fit and healthy at this stage isn't just about longevity—it's about thriving. Adopt these practices to ensure your later years are filled with vitality, happiness, and health, proving that being fit at 50 and beyond is not only possible but also rewarding.

Be sure to avoid these lifestyle mistakes people often make after the age of 50.


Can you reshape your body at 50?

Yes, you can reshape your body at 50 by incorporating strength training to build muscle, engaging in cardiovascular exercises to improve heart health and burn fat, and following a nutritious diet to support overall body composition changes.

How can I live my best life in my 50s?

To live your best life in your 50s, focus on staying active, exploring new hobbies or interests, maintaining strong social connections, prioritising mental health, and adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes balanced nutrition and regular exercise.

Which lifestyle is the healthiest for people over 50?

The healthiest lifestyle for people over 50 includes regular physical activity, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, social engagement, cognitive stimulation, adequate sleep, stress management, and regular health check-ups.
